Lise Winne
Part of accepting the award means I have to share 7 random, but well thought out facts about myself.
So here goes:
1. I am a bibleophile and read at least two books a week...sometimes more. I speed read-my Grandmother
Townsend taught me how when I was young and I average 200 pages an hour.
2. Hate raw tomatoes...love pasta sauce, salsa, ketchup but raw tomatoes? Nope.
3. I have loved only two men unreservedly (not counting relatives)...Jay is the second man I have loved
that way. No holds barred and damn the torpedoes! Our relationship is the best relationship I have
ever had. I know all of you have already figured that out! The other man? A boyfriend from college.
4. I am a strong believer in learning new songs 'by ear'. It is my favorite way to learn most songs with
the exception of some of the faster Irish jigs. Those I really need to SEE how the runs and skips go!
I think one of the great joys of playing an instrument is figuring out how to play a song without the
music-whether you are a amateur or a pro!
5. I love to jam with other musicians! No surprise there right? There is such a fun vibe when we get
together with other players and just jam!
6. Random-I used to go on very long walks through the woods when I was younger, hoping to see the
Fey and telling myself stories about them...and going on imaginary adventures...I still go on long
walks and hope to see the Fey!
7. My life since I met Jay has been filled with adventures-some happy, some harrowing, some sad but I
wouldn't trade ANY of it!
I'm with you all the way on preferring older architecture, my home was built in 1920 and its sturdiness and warmth have been hugging and protecting us since we moved in back on 10/1/1970.
I'm off to visit your bloggers' .... I'm sure they will all be delightful! Thanks!