Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kreativ Blogger award

Monday, July 16, 2012

Kreative Blogger Award

Karen Anne Brady of Ireland Brady bestowed upon me the "Kreative Blogger Award". 
Part of accepting the award means I have to share 7 random, but well thought out facts about myself. So here goes:
1. I am generally a happy and positive person.
2. I am a health nut. I don't drink alcohol, smoke, buy junk food or eat or drink anything with sugar in it (except whole fruits) or eat any processed foods (except organic potato chips and Triscuits once in a great while).
3. I make most of the presents I give away at Christmas. 
4. I'd wear some version of Renaissance attire all of the time if people didn't look at me funny (except when on hiking trips, long distance travel or playing sports -- hard to do those activities in long gowns!). 
5. I love old architecture. I feel much more comfortable in older buildings and in older neighborhoods than in new buildings (it's hard to love boxy glass and steel structures).
6. I was a long distance swimmer as a child.
7. I love hiking and discovering things and places on foot away from traffic.
In accepting this award there are a few rules (which allow some leeway to be broken: check out the parentheses below):
When one receives this honor, there are a few rules they can (or not) choose to follow:
1. Post a link to the person who awarded you 
2. Share 7 well-thought out random things about yourself
3. Bestow this Award to 10 other deserving bloggers and let them know.

I am going to break the 3rd rule because I don't follow or read many blogs (except news and political blogs, but I'm not going to count them in). I'm sticking to art and music blogs:

1. Karen at Ireland Brady  -- yup, I'm giving the award right back to her because I read everything she writes.
2. AnnMarie at AnnMarieTornabene -- because I read all of her blogposts as well (her website is well worth checking out too at
3. Abby at MinstrelTales. Abby hasn't written much on her blogger, but she was an active blogger on Myspace for years (before MySpace disappeared and came back, that is!). She tells what it is like to be a traveling Renaissance minstrel in the modern world.
4. Terrance Frank Lazaroff of EtsyExtension. Frank is a gifted potter and shares tips on the business of selling crafts.
I also sometimes read the blogs of this musician and artist (more well known):
5. Jo at TheCartBeforetheHorse. Soft sculpture and dolls and lots of creativity! 
6. Lisa Lynne at LisaLynneFranco. Harpist sharing concert videos, pictures of her travels and the story of finding her birth mother.

1 comment:

  1. Lise, you are a sweetheart! Thank You!

    I'm with you all the way on preferring older architecture, my home was built in 1920 and its sturdiness and warmth have been hugging and protecting us since we moved in back on 10/1/1970.

    I'm off to visit your bloggers' .... I'm sure they will all be delightful! Thanks!

 Lise Winne
bestowed upon me the "Kreative Blogger Award". 
Part of accepting the award means I have to share 7 random, but well thought out facts about myself. 
So here goes:
1.  I am a bibleophile and read at least two books a week...sometimes more.  I speed read-my Grandmother 
     Townsend taught me how when I was young and I average 200 pages an hour.
2.   Hate raw pasta sauce, salsa, ketchup but raw tomatoes?  Nope.

3.  I have loved only two men unreservedly (not counting relatives)...Jay is the second man I have loved 
     that way.  No holds barred and damn the torpedoes!  Our relationship is the best relationship I have 
     ever had.  I know all of you have already figured that out!  The other man?  A boyfriend from college.

4.  I am a strong believer in learning new songs 'by ear'.  It is my favorite way to learn most songs with 
    the exception of some of the faster Irish jigs.  Those I really need to SEE how the runs and skips go!
     I think one of the great joys of playing an instrument is figuring out how to play a song without the 
     music-whether you are a amateur or a pro!

5.  I love to jam with other musicians!  No surprise there right?  There is such a fun vibe when we get 
     together with other players and just jam!  

6.  Random-I used to go on very long walks through the woods when I was younger, hoping to see the 
     Fey and telling myself stories about them...and going on imaginary adventures...I still go on long 
     walks and hope to see the Fey!  

7.   My life since I met Jay has been filled with adventures-some happy, some harrowing, some sad but I 
     wouldn't trade ANY of it! 
Its been a while since I posted...and so many great gigs have come & gone since then!

Our time back in Florida was awesome this past year.  We were busy-especially when Mumsy flew down and wanted to do something every day...then we went home to the two teenage daughters and that kept us pretty busy-Ashley graduated from High School with decent grades (after Jay and I light a fire under her butt!)-Kim finished strong and got accepted into the High School of her choice-Bristol Agricultural High School...and also into a week-long summer camp at Bridgewater State University.  She got to go on a whale watch-got some great videos of Minke whales swimming under the boat, etc...and presented information to three state congressmen!  Phew! 

Jay and I continue to stay busy-we've had some great gigs-Robin Hood Faire in Guilford, CT, Silver Kingdom Ren. Fest in Charleton, MA, Midsummer Fantasy in Ansonia, CT...and that's just the Renaissance festivals!  Each faire had great moments-with friends and fans and patrons-and we have added the new guitar to our roster of instruments to haul about! 

I had one of the worst birthday 'presents' ever to date this year-I had a deer tick bite get infected with streppococcus and ended up going to the ER for my birthday!  My arm was gross...and hot...and painful...Jay knew something was wrong when I was up and showered and dressed at 6am-without a gig!  Two antiboitic perscriptions and one painkiller later I was sent home...but the ER doc and pharmacist both sang me a chorus of "Happy Birthday"...memorable!  It has taken two weeks but it is now better-I do have a small scar on my left arm from it.  Bleah.  It really only cleared up after I started doing a salt water regimen-soaking it with salt water...

This past week we had a rash of gigs in the hot weather-Tuesday at the Sandwich Farmer's Market-where we met a lovely Irish woman who was looking to sell her harp-we had to investigate further-its a lovely harp but not 'better' than Jay's Triplett-so we will pass but if anyone is looking for a floor harp by Aoyama harps of Japan please send me a line! 

Wednesday we played at a lovely Garden in Pembroke, a gazebo with stained glass walls.  It was hot-Jay broke a harp string but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves-and I got a few ideas for a garden layout! 

Thursday we were at the Plimouth Farmer's Market at Plimouth Plantation.  Jay broke ANOTHER harp string tuning up-it was a 'triple-h day'-hazy, hot and humid!  We had just been about to begin our set-so it was flute solo time!  He got the string changed in record time-less than 4 songs-which is pretty impressive!  We also had a collection of young kids sitting around our ez up and listening!  YAY!

Friday found us in Dartmouth at the Dartmouth Farmer's Market where Jay broke the 3rd string in 3 gigs!  POOP!  It was another 'triple-h day' but the breezes kept it bearable.  We had a bonus of a 'break band'-two lovely 5th grade girls who played violin duets!  This was their first public performance and they were SO good!  By the second time they came up they were feeling more relaxed (and talked into the mics!)  It was a joy to see fledgeling musicians...

Saturday we thankfully had the day off-and ran errands-picking blueberries, picking up Jay's bike and was another scorcher...and very humid. 

Sunday was 'Harp for Peace Day'...we were at the Seaward Inn in Gloucester, Ma.  The Inn is a lovely place to play-with an impressive view of the water-and quite a few beautiful sailboats went by as we played...and yes Jay BROKE ANOTHER STRING!  Curses!  4th string in 4 gigs!  Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
The up side was that I covered in 3 songs this time!  3!!  He can change them at lightning speed these days!  We also got fed-I like eggs florentine...snazzy...

Monday we were off...and spent the day hiding in ac by going shopping at my favorite thrift store (where I bought some new tank tops) and going to the movies!  Kim went with us and we all enjoyed the re-boot of Spiderman...although I picked out a flaw in the storyline (which I won't tell...)

Tuesday we had a double gig-Sandwich in the morning (harp therapy in an alzheimer's wing) and Atria in Fairhaven in the afternoon...but first we brought Jay's small harp by to show the lovely Irish lady who is selling her harp...she mentioned to Jay that she had been thinking of trying to down-size but wasn't sure if she would like the sound of a smaller harp-but after trying Jay's Altarwind harp she was impressed! 

Yes Jay broke a string on Tuesday...we got home, he put the harp down in the music room and 'TWANG!!!'...another string bit the dust.  He has taken to de-tuning the harp before and between gigs now.  It has just been so bloody hot and humid...

Today we were in Weymouth and then off to the Cape...and back home again in a huge thunderstorm!  It was actually pretty cool-we were going over the bridge from the Cape in Sandwich and could SEE the lightning streaking across the sky off in the distance...we ended up driving VERY slowly with 4-way flashers on part of our journey as the visibility was poor!  I kept my fingers crossed that we wouldn't run into the 'quarter-sized' hail that some areas got!  We didn't run into any hail but did have to crawl across some flooded roads...and thankfully that has broken the heat wave! 

Wheeeeeeeeee!!!  Jay also DIDN'T break a harp string today!  I hope that wave is over as well! 
